
I am learning to write a sentence.

I am successful because I have used spaces and used a sound that I know for each word.

This was completed in room 22 last week. Pheonix wanted to write about going to the Zoo. 
Mrs Coom asked Pheonix to close his eyes and try to remember what the word looked like which he was able to do. 
We are going to explore the idea of visual knowledge with Pheonix going forward.

Topic: Habitat

We are learning to make a habitat for a compost worm. 

On our field trip we learned to importance of food, shelter, water and stopping sunlight from going into our compost worms habitats.

Logan and Pheonix are turning over soil looking for earthworms.

Pheonix and Nathan are scoping dirt to grow grass seeds in.

Pheonix is squeezing all the extra water off his newspaper. This will be a home for his tiger worms.


I am learning to find words that I know before I start reading.

Scanning the page for these words helps us to self correct our reading

Pheonix: I know the word 'like'.